Saying goodbye to Morgan Parsons Creative


Such a bittersweet day here. Morgan Parsons Creative has been my business baby over the past couple of years and I am truly thankful for the way it has grown. As sad as I am to see it go, I am even more excited about whats to come. If you're wondering why the switch, you've come to the right place! In this post I will share a bit more about my heart behind the name change. 

I started Morgan Parsons Creative as a senior in college. There wasn't much thought that went into naming it, other than we were encouraged to brand ourselves in design class. At the time, I was doing a lot of fine art work as well as design, so I wanted a place to house both bodies of work - hence, Morgan Parsons Creative was born. Although I have always known I wanted to have my own design studio one day, I never imagined that I could see that dream come to fruition at only 22 years old. I started taking on random freelance clients and little by little, MPC started gaining momentum and has grown into something truly special. 

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As I began seeing growth, I have been thinking about what it would look like to brand myself as a studio, and ultimately the idea won out. Here is why: 



Over the past 6 months, I've been asking myself a lot of hard questions about my business. what do I want to see stay? and what I want to see go? How can I improve my client experience? What do I want MPC to look like in a year? What about 5 years?

Ultimately, I see myself serving more clients that I could take on myself. In order to grow, I need to focus on what I am good at (ideas & creativity) while letting others take care of what I am not good at (organization, book keeping, email management) 


My identity is not my work

Getting vulnerable over here. The past few months have been such a beautiful season of newness and change. The funny thing about marriage is that you are suddenly forced to confront the worst parts of yourself. As silly as it sounds, I have realized that I have struggled with placing too much of my identity in my work. At the end of the day, I would rather be known as a good wife, a good friend and a kind person than a talented designer. Changing the name of my business from my own name to a new name is just a tiny shift in the right direction of a right mindset.



Because let's just call it what it is; entrepreneurship can be lonely. I dream of this studio becoming a community of individuals that can create better, grow stronger + dream bigger than I could ever do on my own.

I also see Studio Antheia becoming a community far beyond our branding studio studio. I desire to come along side other creatives & provide them with the encouragement, community + tools they need to pursue their dreams. Lookout for more info on this new community, the Garden, coming so soon.


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Here's the thing, branding others comes relatively easy for me. But branding myself? Well, that's another story. I've been planning this shift since December — I've thought things out, changed my mind, changed my mind again, and gone through more revisions than I can count.

I'm not sure if I'll ever feel ready to "launch" but this is the closest I've ever felt so sometimes, you just have to go for it. 


Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine according to His power at work in us.

Ephesians 3:20